What if I say "no" to a marriage license?

I personally came to the conclusion I'm not interested whether or not the State Corporation "recognizes" my marriage relationship or not.  I am interested in the Most High God recognizing my marriage; very interested in fact.  I want His approval.  I want His blessing and authority over it.  I am interested in following His way of doing things.  I want to fully give my marriage to Him, with no agreement with any other man or institution such as the State Corporation government.  I don't care about any of the "supposed benefits" the State seems to offer with the "voluntary" marriage license because I know my God; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will bless me and my family far beyond anything the State supposedly offers.

It's kind of like how Esau, despised his birthright and sold it for a cup of lentil soup.  As for me and my house, the State can keep the soup.  I'll take the birthright and the promises of the Most High God - YHWH.

Think about some of these scenarios because of saying “no” to the marriage license:

What if your marriage and eventual family could experience greater unity and less strife?

What if your marriage and eventual family could experience better communication?

What if your marriage and eventual family could experience greater peace?

What if your marriage had an increased level of God's presence and intimacy?

What if your marriage and eventual family could simply experience a greater level of God's blessing upon it?

What if not signing the "voluntary" State Corporation marriage license was the equivalent to "tearing down the high places" as it talks about in the Old Covenant, specifically 1st and 2nd Kings?  Notice the benefits and blessings of simply removing the high places that Israel experiences each time they tear down the high places.  Notice the ramifications if they don't tear down the “high places,” which refers to the pagan symbols and worship of false gods.  The difference in the blessing of the Most High God is drastic and substantial, when we are obedient.

Would the possibility of some or all of these ideas be worth it to not be in agreement with the State Corporation via the marriage license?  How much money would you give to experience any or all of these things in your life, marriage and family?  I would say, it's priceless.  I don't know what the possible ramifications might be because as I write, my relational status is "single."  Yet, I wonder what the implications of God's goodness could be to give it all to Him, without agreement with anyone or anything else besides my wife to be and God?  He is the giver of good gifts.

Let's take a minute to pause this conversation.  I sense that some of you married with a marriage license might be feeling disappointment, guilt, condemnation, upset, contempt, resentment, anger, rage or some sense of loss??  I don't know how these words might be impacting you, how the Holy Spirit is speaking to you or even how non-Holy spirits are speaking to you?  I urge you right now if you're experiencing some or all of these things: "Take every thought captive."  "Have the mind of Christ."  "Put on the helmet of Salvation and the full armor of God, mentioned in Ephesians 6."

Let's direct these "feelings and emotions" into prayers founded on the truth of God's Word.  My hope is to rightly divide the truth of God's Word, while not being ignorant to the whiles of the Devil, by pointing them out in this writing.  Remember, he comes to kill, steal and destroy.  I believe it's okay to have righteous anger about the way in which he's been stealing, killing and destroying marriage, family and life from the beginning of time.  Remember, "mercy triumphs over judgement."

Let's realize we can see an entire generation set free from these snares.  We can educate the coming generation as to their rights and freedoms.  We can lead them back into the things of God.  As we share these truths with others, let's believe for greater revelation and understanding pertaining to the heart of the Most High God - Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Let's Pause to Pray for Marriages and Families

Father in Heaven, I/we come to You right now asking for wisdom, discernment and counsel from Your Holy Spirit regarding marriage and family.  I/we lift up the family unit in prayer to establish it as You designed it to be with a husband, wife and children.  Let the fear of God come upon Your people so as to walk in Holy Spirit unity and reverence for You and Your Word.  Cast down the enemy from bringing brokenness, deception, division and pain to the family unit.  I/we ask for Your manifest presence upon the families of the earth.  I/we ask for Your help cultivating Godly marriages in becoming more holy and righteous, in the earth.  May Jesus Christ of Nazareth be glorified in marriages and families across the face of the earth.  (Pray anything else you'd like to or pray in tongues as the Holy Spirit leads.)  I/we ask all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.

Married Couples and God's Blessing

Moreover, I'm not suggesting your marriage isn't or hasn't been blessed.  I have no doubt God has shown Himself powerful and evident in your marriage relationship, absolutely!  Praise God for it!  I'm simply suggesting what if there's more goodness to be had?  What if your children have the opportunity to go after more of the goodness of God in marriage and life?  God's people perish for "lack of knowledge."  What if this knowledge has radical ramifications for the Kingdom of God in the coming generation or generations?  Take hope!  You can be a part of that reality right now!  We don't have to continue to live in Satan's deception.  I do believe the marriage license is a "yoke" and "burden" we don't need to carry or participate in.

Let's be crystal clear here.  There is so much that goes into a marriage aside from a marriage license.  In no way on God's green earth am I blaming all of marital challenges, troubles, difficulties on the fact, there's a marriage license in the mix of the relationship.  The marriage license is a major factor or symptom to some of the problems taking place in the nation's societal decline.

My point and question to all of this is, "What if there's more that God has for us in His Kingdom regarding marriage and family?  What if marriage license is a hindrance to the fullness of what He has for His people because we're making agreement with the world system?"

Please hear my heart in this, I'm simply wanting to ask tough questions as to what God's highest and best is for His people.  I want to know if we're being deceived into a thought process that isn't of God or His highest and best will?  I guarantee God isn't afraid of our questions.  I invite you to ask tough questions with me.  Let's have an investigative conversation about these ideas.

Lastly, I want to acknowledge we (all of mankind) are in a spiritual battle against Satan and the principalities of darkness.  My aim is to direct all points of error at him and his efforts to deceive humanity, not any one individual.  We humans are in this thing called, "life" together.  I need you and you need me.  Let's work together to undo the works of the evil one, as we explore the topic of the "voluntary" State Corporation Marriage License together.

For more information on the legalities of marriage check out, The Biblical Marriage or Marriage License Fraud

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